Archive for March, 2013

OUAT – Welcome To Storybrooke (s2e17)

Posted: March 21, 2013 in Once
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Ok, Once fans.  I have to warn you what I’m going to be writing is going to sound like a bit of a rant, but the truth is, I am really only reflecting sentiments in line with more than one character on the show itself.  Let me make it clear; I really liked this episode.  Where it may sound as if I’m getting irritated I am sure the writers are pushing me – and the people in Storybrooke – in that direction on purpose.

To put is simply, Regina’s obsession with revenge is really reaching the point of a tiresome, cloying hypocrisy.  Is she really that much of a one-trick pony?  Personally, I think the story was written – and acted – to elicit that exact response.  I’ll get into this after I highlight some points in the episode that particularly stood out for me.  That will help when I come back to this.  (more…)

What Is Science Fiction

Posted: March 18, 2013 in Antonio's Corner
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This is Antonio’s Dad… As part of my prep for an appearance on The SciFi Diner, I just thought to ask my son what he thought was science fiction. He asked me to share it with you.


Well now.

That was an episode to consider.

What I find the most amazing thing about this week’s show is that this is only the 16th episode of a 22 episode season.  For almost any other show I can think of, this episode could have been a season finale. Yet we still have roughly a third of a season remaining.  Further, this last third of the season is going to have a completely changed dynamic to anything the show has had up to this point.

This was an episode of the women of Once, so that will be my main focus this time.  However, I will have some comments on the other characters at the end. (more…)

OUAT – The Queen Is Dead (s2e15)

Posted: March 7, 2013 in Once
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This is proving a rather difficult review to write.  There are a lot of things in this episode that I really like.  However, there are also parts that concern me, particularly in how it relates to the direction of the show as a whole.  It’s only the first tingling of concern; my trust in the writers is still reasonably strong.  That said, this episode – and the last few, for that matter – have been quite dense adventures that really demand a second viewing.

We were previously left with a family tree for Emma and Henry that looks more like a Bradford Pear after the tornado.  We had the unholy trio of Regina, Cora and Hook seemingly plotting death and destruction to half of Storybrooke.  And who knows what’s been going on with Red, the dwarves or the rest of the “royal council.”  Though we’ve been got answers, it seemed like every answer led to two new questions.
