Archive for May, 2013

I will be the first to admit that I had my doubts. Outside of a daytime soap, I’ve never seen a show put so many threads in play at once. Essentially, Kitsis and Horowitz planned a season where the success or failure of the show rested entirely on how they pulled of this finale.

They succeeded.


Not only did they pull the necessary plot elements together, they gave a very important sense of closure to the season. They also left elements set up for the third season. Impressively, part of this was put in place as early as episode one this year.


Hey reader!  I have it figured out.  I know who “The Home Office” is.  Mysterious island that you cannot leave?  Smokey shadow monster?  Doomsday devices?  It’s obvious; the Home Office for which Tamara and Greg work is the Dharma Institute.  My only question is when someone “turns the donkey wheel” where will Storeybrook go?

This is going to be a short summary and review of the first part of the season finale.  I will hold of a detailed review until the “episode” is complete.  Those who are familiar with my reviews of Fringe for Wayne Henderson’s FRINGEcasting podcast will understand my approach on two-parter episodes.  (more…)

OUAT – The Evil Queen (s2e20)

Posted: May 5, 2013 in Once
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Once Upon A Time is on its final rush to the season two finale.  Episode 20, The Evil Queen puts the final pieces in place to begin what promises to be a roller-coaster ride to the finish.  There are a lot of story threads hanging due to the very gutsy agenda the showrunners had for this season.  Kitsis and Horrowitz have promised us closure and resolution, though I’m sure there are a few question/challenges that will be left to set up season three.

Life has gotten in the way of my writing, so I will try to take advantage of it.  I’m going to change my approach in my write up this time.  Rather than doing a detailed episode review, for this week’s analysis I want to consider those different hanging story threads.  Time and space permitting, I will also provide some thoughts on what we may see as we wrap up.  This will post on Sunday as a “ramp up” for part one of the finale. (more…)