Archive for the ‘General’ Category

One of the most unique aspects of the personal computer industry, I think, is the fascination of successful companies doing everything in their power to destroy themselves.  In the 1980’s it was Apple that threw away PC industry dominance by sticking to a high-priced proprietary architecture when the world demanded open systems.  Of course, Apple has largely marched to its own drum and has variously survived or prospered.  Blindly ignoring the Apple example, IBM did the same with the PS/2 in the latter part of the decade.  Lotus committed suicide with an insistence of a copy protection scheme that did nothing more than harass legal users until Borland took over the market with Quattro Pro and its “like a book” license.  Yes.  It was Borland that beat Lotus 1-2-3, not Excel.  Not many today realize this.   (more…)

A Personal Word On Where I have Been

Posted: November 27, 2013 in General

I’ve had a few questions about where I’ve been over the last few months, regarding the blog.  I’ve also been much reduced in my social network activity, doing little more than repost some articles that interest me on my Facebook page.  I’d like to take a few moments to give an update to my friends who may not know yet. (more…)


Posted: January 6, 2013 in General

Friends, I’ve been away for a bit.  If you want to know more, check here: A Word On Where I’ve Been.

Welcome to the Christian Geek. It’s pretty safe to say that this will not be your typical blog. Tech, gadgets, sci-fi and geekery in general are welcome here as well as Christian thought and perspectives. Though you don’t often see them together, there is no reason why they shouldn’t mix.

Before Reviewing the pages here – and especially before posting – I would encourage you to read the information in Welcome To My Sandbox. It will make all our lives here much more fun!

Just remember that this is a work in progress.  As my proficiency improves I will be changing the way things function here.  Don’t panic though, my goal will be to never make it hard for you to find the areas of your interest.

God Bless,
