TMZ reports Star Trek actress Nichelle Nichols suffered a mild stroke Wednesday night.
Source: ‘Star Trek’ actress Nichelle Nichols reportedly suffered stroke | Fox News
Oh, no! You are in our prayers Nichelle. Get better soon.
TMZ reports Star Trek actress Nichelle Nichols suffered a mild stroke Wednesday night.
Source: ‘Star Trek’ actress Nichelle Nichols reportedly suffered stroke | Fox News
Oh, no! You are in our prayers Nichelle. Get better soon.
This may be seen as more political than I normally allow The Christian Geek to be, however this is extremely relevant to the scope of the site. It has huge implications to both religious speech and it is one of the top tech issues of the day. You really need to read Mr. Crovitz article. It puts the issue out very clearly.
L. Gordon Crovitz: From Internet to Obamanet – WSJ.
What you have to keep in mind here is that he mentions both critical impact areas of what he calls “Obamanet” (I like that phrase…) The most important thing to take away is that these are regulations being passed to fix a problem that does not exist.
Everyone keeps focusing on the economics. Yes, problems have threatened, but market pressures have prevented them from coming about. Market forces have kept the internet working smoothly and more responsively than government could ever possibly do. Yet this is not the real danger of the impending federal regulations.
The real danger of these regulations is (more…)
Hi friends,
I know it’s been awhile since regular postings, but things have been insane the last 10 months or so. Not only work and health, but a podcast and other blogging duties have taken up my time.
The good news is that I am not only rested, but am taking the Geek to the next level. Expect some changes and much more regular postings as the new year rolls in. Most of the changes are going to be under the good to give a better running site
It you’ve been praying for me, and I know many if you have, thanks and do continue. It’s helped me through a rough year.
See you again very soon!
City of Houston demands pastors turn over sermons | Fox News.
This is something I’ve been warning about for a long time. The question is whether these pastors are going to serve God or Satan?